Telling Stories that Matter

The journey toward making the feature film “CLOUDS”—now available on Disney+—was a long one for director Justin Baldoni. In 2013 Justin released a short doc on Zach Sobiech, a remarkable 17-year-old diagnosed with osteosarcoma. The story of Zach’s life, how he lived, and how he brightened the world for everyone around him struck a massive chord with Justin. Since then, bringing that story to the screen has been both a passion and a promise to keep. With the film’s release, Justin has kept his promise to Zach and gave us all the gift of perspective with this touching story.

Seven years after Zach’s death and just two days following the release of CLOUDS on Disney+, Zach’s inspirational song “Clouds” returned to the #1 slot on the iTunes top 100 charts for the second time. The profits from which will be added to the $2 million already raised for cancer research through Zach’s Osteosarcoma Fund. To get involved and donate, please visit the link below.

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Produced by Ron Dawson

Edited by Emily Connolly